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UNESCO supports workshop for journalists on water conflicts

Media coverage about sustainable development issues is at its best this week as twelve journalists team up to uncover pressing and challenging issues on trans-boundary water conflicts in Istanbul (Turkey) at the 5th World Water Forum.

The journalists, who have been selected from seven water-stressed countries around the world, will be sharpening their skills and knowledge to improve the quantity and quality of media coverage on water issues by focusing on in-depth stories and reaching larger audiences. This is expected to improve public debate and public awareness internationally as well as in countries and regions with water conflicts. A particular emphasis on bringing the public voice and participation to the most vulnerable citizens will contribute to resolving issues and promoting cooperation.

Millions of people lack access to potable water and basic sanitation. Demand for these services is on the rise due to population growth, increased consumption, and greater demand for food and energy. The pollution of lakes, rivers and underground reservoirs reduces the supply of clean water. Climate change adds another variable to the already unstable equation.

Media are able to actively partner with relevant stakeholders by improving the quality and quantity of local news and information programmes, inviting dialogue between the public and policy-makers charged with resolving conflicts and building local journalism capacity about water-related issues and conflicts in developing countries.

The week-long workshop conducted by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is supported by UNESCO with inputs to the inter-sectoral platforms on the Dialogue of Cultures and Civilizations and Education for Sustainable Development.

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