Scienzaonline - Ultimi Articoli

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

Comunicazione cervello-corpo: il ruolo delle piastrine

12 Marzo 2025

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Individuati due marcatori biologici comuni ad Alzheimer e SLA

11 Marzo 2025

I ricercatori dell’IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano e del “Centro Dino...

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L’apprendimento si legge nelle pupille dei nostri occhi

10 Marzo 2025

Pubblicato su Current Biology uno studio condotto da ricercatori delle...

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Corna, zanne e palchi: un innovativo protocollo apre nuove frontiere per la ricostruzione digitale di crani complessi

10 Marzo 2025

Un team di ricercatori della Sapienza ha sviluppato un innovativo...

Il futuro della conservazione della natura in Europa

Il futuro della conservazione della natura in Europa

05 Marzo 2025

I ricercatori del laboratorio Global Mammal Assessment (GMA) del Dipartimento...

Giornata mondiale dell'obesità: i consigli degli esperti del Bambino Gesù

Giornata mondiale dell'obesità: i consigli degli esperti del Bambino Gesù

04 Marzo 2025

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Lunedì, 27 Dicembre 2021
Lunedì, 27 Dicembre 2021 15:33



La Corte Costituzionale ha dichiarato costituzionalmente illegittima la legge della Regione Sardegna sulla “interpretazione autentica del Piano Paesaggistico Regionale” (Sentenza 23 dicembre 2021, n. 257). Per l’ennesima volta il giudice delle leggi boccia un’iniziativa della giunta regionale sarda che, con l’alibi dell’autonomia, continua a proporre modelli di sviluppo obsoleti basati solamente su cemento e deroghe ai principi costituzionali di tutela del paesaggio e dell’ambiente. La norma cancellata, su ricorso del Governo nazionale (art. 1 della legge della Regione Sardegna 13 luglio 2020, n. 21 “Norme di interpretazione autentica del Piano paesaggistico regionale”), allargava in maniera indiscriminata e illegittima le maglie dei vincoli urbanistici e paesaggistici, consentendo edificazioni a pioggia e incrementi volumetrici indiscriminati, minacciando il territorio regionale, la natura della Sardegna e le prospettive di un vero sviluppo e turismo sostenibili.

Pubblicato in Ambiente


An international scientific group with outstanding Valencian participation has managed to measure for the first time oscillations in the brightness of a neutron star –magnetar– during its most violent moments. In just a tenth of a second, the magnetar released energy equivalent to that produced by the Sun in 100,000 years. The observation has been carried out automatically, without human intervention, thanks to the Artificial Intelligence of a system developed at the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) of the University of Valencia.

Among the neutron stars, objects that can contain half a million times the mass of the Earth in a diameter of about twenty kilometres, stands out a small group with the most intense magnetic field known: magnetars. These objects, of which only thirty are known, suffer violent eruptions that are still little known due to their unexpected nature and their duration of barely tenths of a second. Detecting them is a challenge for science and technology.

An international scientific team with outstanding participation from the University of Valencia has published recently in the journal Nature the study of the eruption of a magnetar in detail: they have managed to measure oscillations – pulses – in the brightness of the magnetar during its most violent moments. These episodes are a crucial component in understanding giant magnetar eruptions. It is a question long debated during the past 20 years that today has an answer, if there are high frequency oscillations in the magnetars.

The work has the contribution of six researchers from the University of Valencia and a high Spanish participation – 15 scientists out of a total of 41. “Even in an inactive state, magnetars can be one hundred thousand times more luminous than our Sun, but in the case of the flash that we have studied – the GRB2001415 – the energy that was released is equivalent to that which our Sun radiates in one hundred thousand years”, points out lead researcher Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, from the IAA-CSIC.

“The explosion of the magnetar, which lasted approximately a tenth of a second, was discovered on April 15, 2020 in the midst of the pandemic”, says Víctor Reglero, professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the UV, researcher at the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL), co-author of the article and one of the architects of ASIM, the instrument aboard the International Space Station that detected the eruption. “Since then we have developed very intense data analysis work, since it was a 10 ** 16 Gauss neutron star and located in another galaxy. A true cosmic monster!”, Remarks Reglero.

The scientific community thinks that eruptions in magnetars may be due to instabilities in their magnetosphere or to a kind of “earthquakes” produced in their crust, a rigid and elastic layer about a kilometre thick. “Regardless of the trigger, a type of waves is created in the star’s magnetosphere –the Alfvén– which are well known in the Sun and which interact with each other, dissipating energy”, explains Alberto J. Castro-Tirado.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is associated with immunosuppression and patients are at increased clinical risk following SARS-CoV-2 infection. Covid-19 vaccines offer the potential for protection against severe infection but relatively little is known regarding the profile of the antibody response following first or second vaccination. We studied spike-specific antibody responses following first and/or second Covid-19 vaccination in 299 patients with CLL compared with healthy donors. 286 patients underwent extended interval (10-12 week) vaccination. 154 patients received the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and 145 patients received ChAdOx1.

Pubblicato in Scienceonline


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